Last 5-year conference contributions


Last conferences

Castelló, E. & Montagut, M. (2023) “Un periodisme ètic per als reptes de la ruralitat”. III Jornada d’Ètica del Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya, Barcelona, 1 de diciembre.

Castelló, E. (2023) “El rural recentrado: relato, lugares sentidos y sentidos de lugar”. Conferencia invitada al II Simposio sobre ciudades medias y pequeñas españolas, “Territorio, identidad y arraigo”, en la UNED-Tudela, 19 de octubre.

Castelló, E. 2023. Towards a Resilient Role Reporting: Farmers, the Rural and Wildfires’ Journalistic Narratives in Spain. II Fire in the Earth System Congress. Universidad de Granada, 6 July, Granada.

Castelló, E. 2022. Is the resilience frame of wildfires gaining momentum in mainstream media? Exploring narratives in Spain.Terraenvision International conference. Nature based solutions to facilitate the transition for living within the planetary boundaries. Wageningen University, Utrecht University and Rikjswaterstaad. 29 June. Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Castelló, E. 2022. The mediatization of wildfires: a case study of the resilient media frame in Spain. WG5 Meeting Socioeconomic impacts and regional issues of fire management. Firelinks Cost action. Universidad de Granada. Granada (Spain), 25-26 February.

Castelló, E. 2021. Coordinator of the Round table with filmmakers and professionals. 1st International Congres on Fire in the Earth System. València (Spain), 3-9 September.

Castelló, E. 2021. Improving Wildfire TV Coverage: Lessons from a Spanish summer (2021). 1st International Congres on Fire in the Earth System. València (Spain), 3-9 September.

Castelló, E. 2021. Proximity Level Model (PLM). Time and space in edgeless organizational communication. XLI International VAKKI Symposium, Vaasa, Finland. 11-12 February.

Castelló, E & Montagut, M. 2019. Poster presentation. Understanding Wildfires: Stakeholders, Institutions, Citizens. Assembly Meeting of the COST Action FireLinks in Sofia (Bulgaria). Oct 8-9.

Castelló, E. 2019. ‘Organizational Communication of the Commons: Any Particularity?’. in Tejerina, Miranda B., and Perugorría I. (eds) Sharing Society. The Impact of Collaborative Collective Actions in the Transformation of Contemporary Societies. Proceedings of the Conference, pp. 133-142. Bizkaia Aretoa, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao (Spain). May 23-24.

Castelló, E. & Montagut,  M.  2018. ‘Wildfires and environmental activists. Storytelling and framing in organizations about fire prevention and mitigation’. Mediaflows congress. Activismo y acción colectiva en la era digital: comunicación política y cambio social. Valencia, 14-16 November.

Castelló, E. & Montagut,  M. 2018. ‘Media frame impact on people’s understandings of wildfires. A survey on responsibility switching after media exposure’. Forum on Catalan Wildfire Research. 6 November. Barcelona. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Pau Costa Foundation. On-line.